3. Pollinator Party
Canada has many pollinators. We have over 800 species (different groups) of native bees alone! Pollinators are interesting creatures and many of them have unique features and behaviours. For instance, there is a type of bee, known as the polyester bee that is found all across Canada. They are small bees with big eyes. They nest in tunnels that they dig in the ground. They line the walls of their nests with a secretion from their mouths that is similar to cling wrap which helps to waterproof their nest.

Imagine that you are going to a party and you’ve been asked to bring your favorite pollinator. As a polite guest, you want to introduce your pollinator to the group and share some interesting information about them.
Choose your favorite pollinator that is native to Canada. Then do some research so you’ll be able to share a few key pieces of information:
1. The pollinator’s name – try to be as specific as you can. For example, you could introduce your pollinator as “a bumblebee” or you could narrow it down to species and share its scientific name. You would then say something like “this is the rusty-patched bumblebee, scientists call this bee Bombus afinis”.
2. Where are they from? In which provinces and territories can you find this pollinator in Canada?
3. What are their favorite flowers to pollinate? For example, hummingbirds like tube-shape flowers, such as lilies and honeysuckles.
4. An interesting fact. For example – did you know that swallowtail butterflies are the largest of all the butterflies found in Canada?
Write an introduction for your favorite pollinator that includes the above points in the discussion section, under the thread called “Pollinator Party”.
Learning Objectives
- Research and write about a native pollinator species
- Learn about pollinators in Canada
Continue to 4. A World Without Pollinators?! »