Activity Cards (12 items)
Club Toolkits (6 items)
Colouring Pages (8 items)
Li'l Green Sprouts (11 items)
Total: 21
Paddle Canada's Basics SUP Board Course introduces the novice to paddling in enclosed, sheltered waters and calm conditions, and includes Certification through Paddle Canada.
Aug 21st, 2020
A list of practical gear to bring on you next camping trip, along with some tips for specific items.
Jul 8th, 2020
Une liste d’équipement à apporter lors de votre prochain séjour de camping.
Jul 8th, 2020
Un cherche-étoiles (on dit aussi un planisphère) est une carte circulaire dotée d'un masque qui tourne pour montrer, à travers une fenêtre, la région du ciel visible en fonction de l'heure, de la date et du lieu où vous observez. C'est un outil fort utile pour s'orienter sur la voûte céleste, identifier les constellations et planifier sa nuit d'observation.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Child-friendly activities and resources from Audubon Adventures.
Jul 13th, 2020
This article is packed full of tips that apply to the littlest members of your adventure crew, including universal tips when kids tag along and tips for hiking with an infant, toddler or grade-schooler.
Aug 14th, 2020
Learn about birds, how to identify them, and what you can do to protect birds in your neighbourhood.
Jul 31st, 2020
Follow these seven principles to help ensure your family adventures don't negatively impact nature.
Jun 24th, 2020
Sans trace Canada est un organisme sans but lucratif qui a pour but de promouvoir l'usage responsable des aires naturelles par l'entremise de l'éducation, de la recherche, et de partenariats.
Jun 24th, 2020
Looking for professional paddlesports instruction? Paddle Canada has 2,700+ instructor members offering training and certification programs across Canada.
Aug 21st, 2020
Aug 6th, 2020
Jul 13th, 2020
Star Finders are an incredibly useful tool for orientating yourself in the night sky. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Star Finders has been specifically designed to help beginners learn more about Astronomy. A star finder (also known as a planisphere) is a circular map with an overlay that turns to show – through an opening in the overlay – the region of the sky that is visible for a specified time, date and location.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Transport Canada publishes this resource to make sure that you know the regulations that apply to boating and that you learn more about safe and responsible boating practices.
Aug 6th, 2020
Open your camera and start seeking! This identification app is kid safe and fun for families. No registration is involved, and no user data is collected. This is a great app for families who want to spend more time exploring nature together.
Aug 12th, 2020
Stellarium est un logiciel de planétarium à code source ouvert et gratuit pour votre ordinateur. Il affiche un ciel réaliste en 3D, comme si vous le regardiez à l’œil nu, aux jumelles ou avec un télescope.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Are you interested in connecting children and their families with the outdoors? By becoming a WILD Family Nature Club
Leader you can develop your own semi-structured outdoor activities, hosting family-friendly events anywhere in Canada.
Aug 28th, 2020
Wild About Birds II is similar to our first bird poster Wild About Birds in many ways, but this one features 15 new species from across the country. It has beautiful illustrations and lots of information on how you can attract these different species to your garden using plating techniques and ideal shelter sites.
Jul 13th, 2020
This colourful poster features 15 birds found throughout most of Canada. It provides information on how to attract them to your garden by adding the plants that offer them their favourite food and shelter.
Jul 13th, 2020
Explore bird activity in your yard or neighbourhood.
Jul 31st, 2020