Become a Club Leader
To host club activities, you must first become a WILD Family Nature Club leader. Being a club leader is great — you get to spend time outside, explore nature, connect families to nature, build a support network for yourself and make friends for life!
The only thing we ask you to do as a WILD Family Nature Club leader is to host outdoor activities! A WILD Family Nature Club activity can be just about anything — as light as a meet-up in a local green space. Just think of something you'd like to do outside with your children, and post it on the calendar so that other interested people can join you with their kids.
As a club host, you have full control of your activities, as long as they fall within the risk management parametres.
What do I need to do?
- Check out our Volunteer Club Leader role description!
- If you are interested in volunteering email [email protected] to obtain a copy of our volunteer application/agreement form.
- Complete the volunteer form and return it to us by email.
Once we have received and reviewed your completed volunteer form, we will connect with you, provide you with an orientation to the WILD Family Nature Club platform and resources, and give you access to post activities on the calendar. You'll also receive access to a diversity of club leader resources and training opportunities.
These links will also help you get started:

Volunteer Club Leader - Role Description Are you interested in connecting children and their families with the outdoors? By...